RS V5 2022, The RS Series is an all-round powerhouse, designed to tame any storm, boost huge skies and master any spot. Due to its powerful versatility, it quickly became our best-selling kite.
The aerodynamic delta hybrid design delivers the best freeride performance while also allowing riders to chase waves and pop freestyle tricks.
This multi-talented is exceptionally efficient, and most riders are content with a two kite quiver to cover the entire wind range. The build has a medium to high aspect ratio with a huge angle of attack, which gives the RS an extra grunt, making it particularly powerful.
Combined with its dynamic speed, it really stands out when going for mass broadcasts followed by plenty of hang time.
Kite loops occur naturally in this wing and generate exciting forward momentum. The direct feel makes the kite’s performance accessible to riders of all levels. It sails quickly against the wind, no matter how gusty the wind or choppy the water is. RS V5 2022
Key Features:
- Three-strut delta hybrid kite for high-performance freeriding
- Tailored for versatile performance, in all riding styles
- Designed to cover a huge wind range and travel upwind with ease
- Ultra-stable construction, perfect for riding in all conditions
- Accurate, fast and smooth turning characteristics
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