CrazyFly Kites

Discover the perfect Crazy Fly kites in our Crazy Fly shop – Sculp | Hyper | Tango. Crazy Fly is known for its reliable and high-quality kites. They offer a wide range of kites, catering to both beginners and experienced riders. Learn more about the different Crazy Fly kites at the bottom of the page.

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Crazy Fly Sculp 2023

The new 2023 Sculp is a do-it-all kite with a sporty feel. It is a true allround performeracross multiple disciplines. Whether you like old school, freestyle, kite loops, big air, orfoiling, the new Sculp will deliver.The Sculp is a Hybrid Delta Bow shape. This shape takes advantage of both Delta and Bowand results in the most versatile and easy to use kite we ever made. From great hangtime toamazing kite loops to unhooked pop and slack with pivotal turning, this shape is a true do-it-all platform.This year, the Sculp has been fine tuned to work best with the new Savvy bar.

Crazy Fly Hyper 2023

Elevating sensation. Big Air Boosting, from zero to hero High aspect, no respectGo big or go home This hyper 2023 kite is hyped up. High performance. Big confidence. Power. Muscle. No hassle. Emotion. Devotion. Addiction. Perfection. Pure power. Rush hour.High aspect, no respect. Pull to play, accelerate. Oh damn, hit the break, Load up, get high. Let fly. Come down. Retry.The 2023 Hyper continues to go in the direction of modern big air kites. This year, theHyper has been fine tuned to work best with the new Savvy bar. The bridle is completely new resulting in lighter bar pressure, more stability and faster turning. The new bridlefeatures one additional attachment point to the leading edge on each side of the kite.